March 31, 2022

March Recap Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here.

Dear neighbor, 

As always I’m here to give you an update on my work in Congress. 

Survey Question: The deadline to file your taxes this year is April 18, 2022.  Did you know the IRS offers free tax filing services

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(Disclaimer: By selecting “Yes” or “No” and answering this survey you will automatically sign-up to our email opt-in list to receive further updates) 

Last month my office had three priorities: supporting Ukraine, improving public safety and delivering resources to our district. I’m proud to say we worked earnestly to make headway under each area. 

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has impacted the world, including everyone here in the United States. Our goal is to support Ukranians and make Russia stop its attacks. To gather a better understanding of the conflict, I met with Ukranian neighbors right here in our own communities. I also met with Ukraine Caucus members and Ambassador Oksana Markarova. During every meeting I was proud to share what our office has done to support Ukraine including when I: 

I will continue doing my part to show that NY-16 supports the people of Ukraine and wishes for this war to come to an end. 

Not only do we need the conflict overseas to end, but we also need to make our own communities safer for people to grow and thrive. Some of the work to make that happen is already being done — I joined neighbors for a Yonkers Gun Violence Prevention Program where they are being proactive in their approach to end violence in our neighborhoods. However, it is going to take support from every level of our government to eradicate violence. That’s why I led a letter to President Biden outlining an effective plan to end gun violence. I also led a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging him to stop blocking the passage of common sense gun law reform out of the Senate preventing it from becoming law. In the Committee on Education and Labor I also passed two amendments to the School Shooting Safety and Preparedness Act to keep our communities and schools safer. Taking a stand against violence also means standing up to hate, and we did just that when we called for justice after a 67 year-old Filipino woman was violently attacked. I will not stop rallying my colleagues in D.C. until our streets are safe, people feel comfortable, hate is eradicated, and our youth can grow up without fear of losing their lives. 

As we work together to overcome adversity in our world, we have a lot to celebrate here in NY-16. Neighbors in every corner of the district were excited to join me in welcoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the College of Mount Saint Vincent in The Bronx to discuss Ukraine, the American Rescue Plan and more. 

Another huge win for our district was that our office secured more than $5.4 million for ten incredible projects in this year’s federal appropriations bill after working closely with community partners and leaders - to check out where all that money is going click here.

I’m continually working to bring more resources to our district. My office held a Grants 101 webinar to help neighbors access even more federal funds. I’m also working to keep utility costs down and even passed an amendment to the Community Services Block Grant Reauthorization to make more funds available for people that need help paying their utility bills. 

Every chance to understand your concerns and find solutions is invaluable. My team closed dozens of cases last month and I’ve received hundreds of emails and calls from you and your neighbors about issues you may need help with or deeply care about. Be sure to stop by to meet with someone on our team at the following locations on the days and times listed below: 

  • Assemblyman Nader’s Office, 35 East Grassy Sprain Rd. 406B Yonkers, NY 10710

    • Wednesdays between 12 - 5 p.m. 

  • Riverdale Library, 5540 Mosholu Ave. Bronx, NY 10471

    • Wednesday between 12 - 5:30 p.m. 

 Last month we set up shop throughout the district to meet neighbors like you where they’re at. We are also available for assistance if you call (718)530-7710 or (914)371-9220 during regular business hours. Until next time! 

P.S. If you know a high school student that may be interested in our annual Art Competition, send them this link. If you would like more information about FY2023 Appropriations, visit this link.   

Peace and love, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)